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15 tricks to lose weight and lose weight without dieting

With these fifteen tips, endorsed by an expert nutritionist, you will learn to eat and have a healthy diet without making too many sacrifices.

Losing weight and losing weight can be a difficult task since you have to balance a good diet with moderate sports practice; But losing weight isn't just burning calories, it's learning to eat and have a healthy routine. The utopia desired by all is to be able to lose weight without the need to have restrictions on food. 

1. Water

Before bed, two glasses of water According to a study by the American Chemical Society, this gesture prevents obesity and increases weight loss.

2. Take a nap whenever you can 

Without adequate rest, the body cannot complete its purifying and regenerative processes. Taking a nap in the context of a healthy diet and an active life would be of great help when it comes to losing weight.

3. Sunbathe 

Vitamin D deficiency is related to being overweight and the accumulation of fat in the abdomen area. Vitamin D is fat-soluble, that is, it accumulates in fat and some studies show that the action of this vitamin together with calcium stimulates the adipocyte to use fat as an energy source. Just 20 minutes of moderate sun exposure a day.

4. Eat chili 

Peppers, on the one hand, contain capsaicin, which has a thermogenic effect; on the other hand, they generate a satiety effect.

5. Consume cucumber and grapefruit 

Substitute orange juice for grapefruit: this fruit helps metabolize fats, especially if consumed on an empty stomach. Cucumber, meanwhile, helps control blood sugar levels due to their low glycemic index. Thanks to tartronic acid, it inhibits the transformation of carbohydrates into fats.

6. Eat fruit between reflections 

If you can not give it up for cate, the stylish options are kiwi and pineapple. Kiwifruit contains a proteolytic enzyme called acridine which, like bromelain in pineapple, helps break down protein and promotes digestion.

7. Chocolate, is better bitter 

Dark chocolate is hypocaloric but it's essential, due to its high zinc content, to strengthen the vulnerable system and reduce inflammation. noway with milk, which is richer in fat and sugar. The ideal time would be in the afternoon as it provides tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin, the hormone of happiness and satiety.

8. Protein dinner 

Eating protein alone is a good habit, but we have to try to do it accompanied by low-glycemic vegetables. You have to avoid carbohydrates, which are automatically transformed into accumulations of localized adiposity.

9. For dessert, an infusion of 

Green tea is perfect because it is a great antioxidant due to its high content of catechins and isoflavones and also has a purifying effect. The same happens with dandelion, which has a detoxifying action, or with milk thistle, which prevents lipid peroxidation.

10. Adopt English time 

Try to advance your meal times by an hour: eating around 1 in the afternoon and dinner at 8 is much healthier and, in the long run, it shows on the scale.

11. No gas, please 

Fizzy drinks are not fattening, but they can bloat and cause abdominal distention. Avoid even sparkling mineral water.

12. Use the microwave 

less In addition to avoiding precooked foods, we must bear in mind that subjecting food to high temperatures causes them to lose vitamins and active ingredients.

13. Only seasonal products 

When we find, for illustration, melons in downtime, this means that they've been subordinated to different technological processes.

14. A 'snack' before bed 

A study says that taking 150 calories in the form of protein 30 minutes before going to bed, stimulates metabolism and increases muscle mass. It makes sense, it gives us a supply of amino acids that can be used to build muscle mass.

15. Healthy snacks 

If you are going to snack, it is better to opt for foods that generate a hit of serotonin and endorphins so that the mood does not decline. The most "joyful" are celery, broccoli, yogurt, oatmeal, peanuts, and spinach.

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