The 15 benefits of yoga for a woman
Those who practice yoga say that, once you try it, you can no longer leave it, that it is physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual before and after. We tell you why and how to choose the best style for you because, for women, yoga has wonderful benefits.
Although it is a discipline that
has thousands of years behind it, yoga never goes out of style. In fact, it has
now become a worldwide boom and the best physical, mental and emotional
conditioning system for many people, especially women. Mayte Criado, founder
and president of the International School of Yoga, says, "the percentage
of women who practice yoga is surely 70%, compared to 30% of men who practice
But yoga is much more than that,
it is an authentic path of self-knowledge, an effective manager of stress and
emotions, in response even to our spiritual concerns.
Yoga: the discipline of the subtle
As Criado says, "the physical, mental and emotional benefits of yoga are just as wonderful for men as for women." In fact, as he continues, "the ancient history of yoga reflects that it is a discipline developed by men and taking as reference the human body, its mental dynamics, and its emotional characteristics".“In this sense, the women and their impact on their physical, mental, and/or emotional state were never taken into account other than to prohibit their entry into yoga environments and the practice of certain postures. and techniques,” he says.In parallel, as the expert says, "we must not lose sight of the fact that the woman's body is often associated with an image of well-being, beauty, and, very often, demand." “Culturally, well-being is closely associated with women, as is consumption. The danger is that yoga becomes just another consumer good and that, without realizing it, we transform this profound ancient discipline into a fashion, keeping the most superficial aspects. It is a risk that we must avoid so as not to lose its authentic dimension”, emphasizes the director of the International School of Yoga.
Is there a minimum or maximum age to do yoga?
15 benefits of yoga for women
The director of the International
School of Yoga begins by citing five benefits of yoga for women and explains
- Inner peace
- Calm
- Confidence
- Awareness
- Presence
As Criado explains, "yoga practice is very effective in achieving these five benefits, which are the key for the others to have a real and authentic effect." As the expert continues, “the practice of yoga always has to develop in us a true attitude of equanimity; that is true yoga. The woman knows it and is aware of this repercussion. Her ability to achieve states of intimacy with herself facilitates and increases these effects in her”
- Improves circulation
- Boosts the immune system
- Regulates the endocrine system
- Improves the cardiovascular system
- regulates the nervous system
- improves breathing
- Improves physical endurance
- Improves physical and mental flexibility
- Alleviate the pain
- reduce stress
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