Yoga: 21 reasons to practice this healthy discipline
If you have considered practicing
yoga or are looking for a new exercise to vary in your workouts, this interests
you! We tell you why this practice can be good for you.
Everything we hear and read about
yoga is positive, and no wonder. This discipline is one among the foremost
complete since you not only exercise the body but also the mind. Peace and calm
are closely associated with yoga, which translates into direct benefits for our
body. If you're still not convinced, keep reading! We are going to show you
that yoga is the best training in the world.
Strengthening your body is by no
means the best yoga can do for you. Having peace of mind affects many senses of
your life, it makes you calm down when faced with problems, helps you
appreciate what is really important, and can even help improve your sex life. What
are you hoping for if you haven't started yet? Practicing sports only has
advantages for your health, so we propose different postures suitable for all
levels that you can start with today.
1. Yoga helps you appreciate your body
Yoga is a progressive exercise,
On the first day, you will not be able to touch the tips of your feet with your
fingers, but as you continue training you will see how your flexibility is
greater and you are much closer. One day you will succeed and this will allow
you to appreciate everything your body is capable of doing, do not
underestimate your capabilities!
2. It strengthens you inside and out
Yoga is a perfect sport if the goal is to strengthen muscles, but it also helps the immune system to get
stronger. Many of the postures or asanas of this discipline promote the right
functioning of the metabolism and therefore the cardiovascular system.
3. Yoga is a complete workout
There is no muscle that is not
exercised with yoga. Arms, legs, buttocks ... Everything has its position to be
worked with this discipline. With some yoga exercises you can even work the
pelvic floor, what more could you ask for?
4. It is a low-risk exercise
If you are a runner, for example,
you know that your joints can be affected by the impact of the ground. On the
other hand, yoga, since it is done gradually, the elasticity and flexibility of
the muscles are achieved little by little, so the risk of suffering an injury
is reduced to a minimum. This makes yoga a perfect exercise for different
physical states.
5. You can do it anywhere
There is no perfect place to
practice yoga, all places are worth it! The best thing is that you simply find
yours, where you are feeling comfortable and calm. A beach is an ideal place,
but the living room of your house also does not have any type of restriction
since a specific material or special conditions are not necessary.
6. It will greatly increase your flexibility
The postures or asanas of yoga
combined with all the stretches that this discipline offers us will make your
muscles have much greater flexibility.
7. It can help you control cravings
Yoga is not only a physical
practice, it is a whole lifestyle! Becoming aware of your body and that you
have to take care of it is another of the benefits it brings. So when you
become a yogi, keeping all those foods that do not benefit you at bay is
easier. It is best to eat a healthy diet, so if you have a craving, it is
better to eat low-calorie foods.
8. Reduces menstrual cramps
Various yoga poses or asanas have
many benefits on those days of the month. Firstly, because they help calm the
nervous system, and secondly because they strengthen and relax the muscles of
the belly.
9. Relieves tension
It is true that all sports help
combat stress, this is because when we exercise our body endorphins are
released. The same thing happens with yoga but also, combined with the
philosophy of this discipline, it will make you see the problems from another
10. Helps you clear your mind
How many thoughts overwhelm you
every day? Yoga practice can help you forget them for a while, as it helps you
clear your head and focus on your body. Leave your mind blank and only worry
about doing the movements and yoga poses well. In this way, you will be able to
combine the benefits of postures on a physical level and meditation to free the
mind from all the negative.
11. Increases confidence in our body
Not only will you see that your
body is stronger day by day but also all the complexes that you may have will
cease to be important. You are healthy and your body is capable of doing
everything you set your mind to, what more do you need?
12. Helps with aches and pains
This discipline works wonders for
neck and back pain. By exercising the muscles of these two parts of the body we
make them more flexible.
13. It is never boring
There are a thousand ways to
practice yoga, it is impossible to fall into a routine with this discipline.
There are not only countless places to practice it but also several modalities:
Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini ... With heat (hot yoga), on a surfboard, or with
different intensities, you are going to want to practice them all! In addition,
you can practice it with whomever you want.
14. Open your mind
Doing yoga is a moment of
liberation, so being restrained is not the most appropriate. If you are shy, it
will help you uninhibited. Keep in mind that relaxing sounds and somewhat
impossible postures are not suitable for embarrassment, so before entering
classes, leave the insecurities out!
15. Improves the functioning of the body
Breathing in yoga is a fundamental pillar of this discipline, not only because it helps with
concentration and meditation, but also because it reduces stress and also
promotes proper oxygenation of the blood. This is very good for the body as it
improves its functioning.
16. You are part of a community
Yoga is quite a movement that has
embraced a lot of different people of all kinds. Wherever you go you will find
someone with whom to share your passion for this sport.
17. Improve your eating habits
18. Helps you sleep better
Just as yoga helps to fight
stress, it also helps to solve insomnia. Yoga helps our mind to disconnect so
it's easier to sleep better. In addition, there are a series of exercises known
as panorama and relaxation that relieve tension in the brain and make it easier
to fall asleep. In addition, it also increases its quality, so your energy
level will be higher.
19. It is an inexpensive sport
Yoga is a very inexpensive sport.
Once all the positions are known, you simply need a mat and begin practicing.
There are many free applications for smartphones or YouTube videos that will
help you with your progress in this discipline. Of course, it is true that for
certain postures or asanas the supervision of expert teachers in this
discipline is highly recommended to avoid injuries.
20. Any time is a good time to practice it
If you are one of those who like
to do sports as soon as you get up, yoga is great, but if you only have time to
do it in the afternoon nothing happens, it is a good time too. And if what you may wish is to try to do it before getting to sleep, perfect! There are no fixed
schedules, since no time of the day, is better than another to put it into
21. Help improve your sex life
With stronger muscles, greater
flexibility, and a clearer mind ... Sex is so much better!
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