25 foods that help you gain muscle
Here is the list of the
"great 25" that will help you gain muscle:
01. Coffee.
Two cups of coffee a day can not only increase your effectiveness in the weight room but also
reduce posterior muscle pain in 48% of cases, but only if you do not drink
coffee regularly if you are already used to caffeine you will have to increase
the dose without exceeding 4 cups a day.
02. Pork.
Although in the gym a
chicken would not last alive until lunch, things are changing and now lean pork
is on the rise due to its content of high biological value proteins and B
vitamins and because it is a source of natural creatine. In a study it has been
shown that creatine can not only increase muscle strength in athletes, it is
also beneficial for people with muscular dystrophies that cause a decrease in
muscle mass. Creatine is found naturally in fish and red meat, especially pork,
which also has the advantage over chicken in producing less cellular
inflammation and that it has more flavor. A good excuse to eat Serrano ham, without
the white fat, of course.
03. Nori seaweed.
Nori or varec
seaweed is very popular in Japanese food as it is used to wrap sushi. it's very
rich in iodine and helps regulate the thyroid, adjusting the metabolism of
blood glucose. It also provides selenium as an antioxidant. This type of
seaweed helps you lose weight, prevents you from retaining fluids, and can help
you "mark" muscles by improving definition and eliminating part of
the fat with the help of specific training.
04. Quinoa.
The food of the
Incas is not an authentic cereal, but it is cooked as if it were rice. Quinoa
grains were for the Incas the substitute for mother's milk, the sacred food,
the reason is that it is a very complete food due to its content of
carbohydrates and proteins of high biological value. Its content in lysine and
methionine, amino acids important for neuronal development and insulin
metabolism, respectively, stands out. It also provides unsaturated fats,
vitamins B and E, and minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium.
Quinoa has the advantage of being
gluten-free, so it is better digested than wheat and its derivatives and is
suitable for coeliacs. Quinoa bread or "flakes" and coca leaves were
the food with which the "casques" or Inca couriers used to
"feed" themselves, quickly carrying messages from one city to
05. Lentils.
06. Almonds.
An easy-to-carry
and easy-to-eat food that provides healthy unsaturated fats, good quality
vegetable proteins, B vitamins to replenish the metabolic cost of endurance
training, and antioxidant vitamin E. They also give you minerals such as iron,
necessary for the transport of oxygen to the muscles, phosphorus, and calcium
for the transmission of nerve impulses and energy, plus zinc, potassium, and
magnesium. Almonds are high in fiber, so they fill up earlier than other nuts
and they don't have to make you gain weight if they are eaten just right and
raw instead of fried.
07. Alfalfa.
If you want to be
strong and tough like a horse, start eating alfalfa like them. Alfalfa is a
very complete food although difficult to find, it is more common to take it as
a supplement in the form of green alfalfa, a concentrate of vitamins and
minerals from the sprouts of the seeds. Alfalfa is a stimulating food very rich
in chlorophyll that detoxifies and helps assimilate workouts by eliminating
accumulated toxins.
08. Mussels.
Bivalves such as
mussels, cockles, clams, oysters, telling, razor clams, etc. They are foods low
in fat, and rich in protein, omega-3, and iron. An interesting mixture to prevent
anemia, maintain muscles, and eliminate superfluous fat when you train.
09. Oats.
It is a cereal with a
high content of carbohydrates, vegetable protein, and soluble fiber. Provides
energy, and amino acids and regulates digestion. It is a natural laxative, in case
you go over the protein diet that causes constipation in many people. It helps
regulate cholesterol and triglycerides, which already gives you the clue that
it helps you fill up, lose weight, and regulate fat. It is a revitalizing
cereal and in general, provides B vitamins, which intervene in energy
metabolism and help maintain nerve function, and minerals such as vegetable
iron to prevent anemia, along with calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Try to take
the most natural oats possible, in dry flakes like muesli or dry oatmeal to add
to your English 'porridge' breakfast, with fruits, nuts, and raisins, without
sugar. You can also cook the cereal like a legume.
10. Potatoes baked or cooked with skin.
If you "take away" pasta for its high content of refined
carbohydrates, you can load your muscles with glucose with potatoes cooked or
roasted with their skin, little done. This way you get slow assimilation of
carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, vitamins B and C, fiber, magnesium,
phosphorus, zinc, and potassium to regulate hydration. Potato is an alkaline
food, which helps to recover from intense workouts and to regain energy by
activating the metabolism. Opt for quality, buying organically grown potatoes
to eat the well-washed skin.
11. Spinach and Swiss chard.
They are very rich in folic acid and chlorophyll, along with vegetable iron, a
good mixture that helps the formation of red blood cells and improves
oxygenation of the blood. The more oxygen reaches the muscles, the more
resistance and strength they will have to fulfill their function. Its low
caloric value together with its richness in fibers helps you lose weight and
fill your stomach. Other vegetables that also help you gain muscle are
broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, lentils, chickpeas, watercress ...
12. Beetroot.
Betaine is the
antioxidant dye that makes your tongue and hands pink when you eat or cut
beets, but it is the inorganic nitrate contained in beets that is important for
gaining muscle since when eaten raw, it converts to nitrites and hence It
becomes nitric oxide, a vasodilator that relaxes blood vessels improves blood
flow, muscle contraction, and neurotransmission. In sports, nitric oxide
increases muscular endurance and helps you train longer and more efficiently,
until exhaustion, a key point to increase volume when training with weights.
13. Salmon and other fish.
herring, sardines, trout, and tuna, they are a source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein of high biological quality, alternatives to animal meats with saturated
fats. A good combination to gain muscle and prevent pain and inflammation in
joints and muscles from intense training. Fatty fish also provide minerals such
as phosphorous for nerve impulse transmission, iodine, thyroid regulator,
antioxidant selenium, and vitamins B3 and B12 to improve energy metabolism.
14. Turmeric and curry.
exotic Indian spice sample contains turmeric, a root with anti-inflammatory
properties in Ayurvedic medicine. Recent laboratory experiments have confirmed
that curcumin is the key ingredient in the properties of this root that has
been shown to reduce cartilage degeneration and maintain bone density in mice
that suffer from arthritis and reduce inflammation and inflammation.
late-onset muscle pain (DOMS) in humans. If you have less soreness, you can
train better the next day, avoid injuries, and reach your goal in the gym
15. Bitter chocolate.
Two ounces
of 85% cocoa chocolate each day reduces pain and increases energy in people
with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome without weight gain. Dark chocolate increases the
action of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is responsible for regulating
behavior and sleep. The more rest and more energy, the more muscle you get with
16. Ginger.
It is another root
of oriental origin that has anti-inflammatory properties. It acts as a natural
antihistamine and inhibits pro-inflammatory prostaglandins, preventing muscle
and joint pain after intense workouts to work the muscles. It is better to use
the fresh root with its spicy and refreshing touch, either on an empty stomach,
added to vegetable dishes cooked in a wok, or infused.
17. Onion.
Onions are rich in
anti-inflammatory substances such as quercetin and provide zinc and selenium
for connective tissue. They also improve circulation and stimulate the immune
system and the formation of red blood cells, making them food for every day in
your sports diet.
18. Apples.
19. Pineapple and papaya.
20. Yogurt.
It is a live food
because it contains prebiotic bacteria that repopulate your intestinal flora,
help you digest food better, and prevent abdominal bloating. It is a good
quality source of calcium and animal protein for your muscles and pairs well
with sweet and savory. It contains little lactose, the sugar in milk that
causes digestive problems in dairy that can swell your belly and leave you
without abs. Better choose natural yogurts of biological origin and without
sugar and mix those of cow with those of goat, more digestive.
21. Eggs.
They could not be
missing from this list because they are one of the most complete natural foods
due to their balance between nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Although the
cinema gave us the Rocky Balboa formula in the form of an egg whites shake, it
is better to eat whole eggs, in an undercooked French omelet, to avoid food
poisoning and not lose the yolk, very nutritious and that does not make you fat
despite its high calorie and fat content. Lab-proven, those who eat whole eggs
do not have high blood and cholesterol levels and are not more likely to be obese
and have cardiovascular disease.
22. Extra virgin olive oil.
good oil is liquid gold for health, rich in monounsaturated fatty acid, a
monounsaturated fat, it's a source of antioxidants that keep muscles and
joints flexible and young to continue training easily. Dress carefully for its
high caloric value.
23. Artichokes.
Artichokes are a
source of fiber that helps you regulate the intestine, avoid constipation, and
prevent you from overeating by causing satiety. In addition, it contains bitter
substances that increase the secretion of bile and improve the digestion of
fats. Its content in the polysaccharide inulin promotes the growth of
bifidobacteria and acts as a prebiotic, improving the digestive flora. All these
components make the artichoke the queen of famous diets, due to its
effectiveness in preventing abdominal bloating and maintaining the waistline,
which in the end is key to getting well-worked abdominal muscles to light. in
the gym.
24. Green tea.
This infusion is
a source of antioxidant polyphenols that suppress the growth of pathogenic
bacteria in the digestive system, improve the digestion of food, help avoid
snacking, and hydrate you between meals. Its caffeine content also helps burn
fat, maintain physical activity, and stimulate the mind to be more resistant.
You can also alternate with other types of tea such as the classic black or
‘English breakfast’, white, Oolong, and Pu-Erh that help burn fat and promote
muscle definition.
25. Water.
Water is the liquid
of life, the true fountain of eternal youth. Muscles are highly hydrated
tissues, which become dehydrated when sweating during training and require good
hydration to regenerate and gain volume. Drinking between two and three liters
of water a day, spread throughout the day, is also a good habit to avoid eating
other unhealthy foods due to anxiety.
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